Small Business Mentoring


Business Owner Mentor Program is a 1-on-1 professional development program for business owners, presidents and leaders who run or work on a leadership team.  We start you off strong and give you the strategies and tactics to build your leadership skills to GET more done, improve your communication abilities and create a smooth running company with less time and effort.

The program is an intensive 1-on-1 experience for those who want to build additional confidence that will allow then to take their company or organization to the next level.

You meet with Tom Borg privately by phone or Zoom for regularly scheduled sessions to review progress, remove leadership and management development obstacles, and establish new business-building activities. Additional support is available via unlimited calls, emails, texts or other means in between your regularly scheduled sessions.

Everything from (big-picture strategy to day to day tactics and execution) is custom-tailored around your strengths, personal preferences, and the needs of your leadership style.

Business Owner Mentor program fees are non-refundable, no exceptions While we don’t require a minimum number of months, we ask you to recognize that true development is a long process. We hope that you’ll commit to at least 6 months in order to reap the full value of your program. However, you may call “STOP” at any time and you will not be billed any further.


Over the last 9 years I have used the expertise of Tom Borg. I appreciate his ability to keep the drama away from our company which helps us to become more productive and profitable.”
–     Dick Cardinal, President and Owner, Inch Memorials, Northville, MI



Results Clients Receive:

Here is a partial list of results clients have received:

  • Creating a boost in self-confidence
  • Hitting their deadlines
  • Re-igniting enthusiasm for their position
  • Learning how to use decision making systems to solve their problems
  • Using a personal development system
  • Eliminating stress and burnout
  • Eliminating the drama within their leadership team
  • Re-energizing their team to maximize their efforts
  • Creating a culture where people want to do their best
  • Using strategies, assessments and systems to identify, attract and hire the right kind of talent
  • Retaining their top performers
  • Putting their company back on solid ground and moving it forward
  • Financial stability and growth
  • Creating the structure where their people are buying into the changes and processes necessary to move their company forward

Tom Borg Biography

Tom Borg has been helping business owners, presidents and CEOs with leadership, communication and culture for over 25 years, helping hundreds of client companies of all sizes. He has written four books, including True Small Business Brilliance. Tom helps his clients develop their leadership skills, build solid communication and culture within their company.


Through your guidance and coaching you showed me how to look at the facts with less emotion. This allowed me to get and stay focused, as a result I developed the confidence to do a better job making big, small and tough decisions. Through your strategic work sessions and assessment instruments you helped my staff and I understand our strengths and weaknesses which allowed us to work together more effectively.
–    Bill Cowdin, Principal, Cowdin Design + Build, Plymouth, MI


To find out more about my mentoring program contact my office at 734-404-5909 or email me at

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Guarantee Picture

Tom Borg Consulting, LLC guarantees that you will get a return in savings or earnings, equal to or greater than the money invested in this consulting and training project. This will be based on the agreed upon implementation of the concepts and ideas used within one year of completion of this project. If this does not happen, we will work with your company until those results are achieved.
Choose the level of coaching that is right for you and your business.

Small Business Coaching Client Testimonials


Tony Grech, Co- Owner,  Greko Printing, Plymouth, MI


Chris Courtney, CRB, GRI, President/Broker, Plymouth, MI



Terry Johnson, Owner Johnson’s Car Wash, Wayne, MI

Kathy Aznavorian, President Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center, Salem Township, MI


Dick Cardinal, President & Owner, Inch Memorials, Northville, MI


Ron Fantino Controller, Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center, Plymouth Township, MI   734-453-7272