Has anyone ever asked you how to remember the name of the people you meet?
One of the worst sins of an employee, manager or president of a company owner is forgetting the name of the person you have just met. Be it a customer or prospective customer, or someone at a networking event, it is important you remember their name.
When you forget the name of the person it does a couple of things – both bad. Not only does this make your conversation more difficult, it sets you up for embarrassment when someone you know comes over and joins you, expecting to be introduced to the person with whom you are speaking.How do you remember the name of the people you meet? One way to remedy this situation is to make it a point to remember the person’s name.
If you miss it or forget it, excuse yourself and ask them to repeat it. Ask them for their card. If they don’t have one, get write it on a napkin or on the back of your card. Dale Carnegie was right when he said, “The sweetest most important sound in any language is to that person the sound of his or her own name.” When you remember and use the name of the person you have met in your conversation with them, you will go a long way in building an effective networking relationship.
How about you? What are your thoughts and suggestions on this common problem?
Email me for my 3 sure-fire ways to remember a person’s name.