When you think about your business and this year of 2022 my question for you is: What great thing would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail? Let’s take a closer look at that question and how a couple of tools can dramatically affect your business success.
It’s true that just about anything we set our minds to, we can achieve. There are definitely going to be some bumps in the road on our journey to making it happen. And oh, yes you are going to make some mistakes that you won’t want to repeat again. But there will be some things you will do that will move you closer to your short and long-term goals.
One of the best places to begin is to look at your business mission and vision statements. I like to use the analogy of the mission statement being the engine that drives your vehicle, and the vision as the headlights that shine light on where your company is headed.
Your company’s mission and vision statements are things that need to be reviewed on an annual basis. Why? Because the world, your customers and clients, your employees and you, are all constantly changing.
Get your team involved in reviewing them, so they can be part of the process of revising them if necessary. Or, to create them, if you don’t already have them. By getting your team members involved. they become part of the mission and vision.
Someone once said, “People don’t argue with their own data”. In other words, they buy into and support what they helped to create.
I remember I was conducting an annual retreat for one of my small business clients. We were reviewing their mission statement. It was a good mission statement, but it was all about taking care of the clients. One of their managers brought up the point that the company mission statement didn’t say anything about valuing the employees. The two owners looked at each other and asked the manager what he suggested they do to correct it.
After a short discussion, everyone agreed that simply adding a sentence that clearly stated how the company valued and supported the team members, would make the mission statement more meaningful. The two owners agreed, and a stronger more focused company was the result.
How about your company or organization? Do you have a business mission statement and vision? If so, when will you get your team involved and update it?
If not, when will you gather your team and create one? If not now, when? If not you and your team, who? Remember, the clock is ticking.
Contact me for a free outline of how you can create or update your mission and vision statement for your business.
Need some help building your leadership team? Or maybe you just want to ask a question, if so, give me a call or email me. You can reach me at 734-404-5909, tom@tomborg.com or www.tomborgconsulting.com