by Tom Borg All rights reserved.
Many times my clients ask me to teach them what motivates employees. So I put together some thoughts and came up with a strategy using a survey.
Here is a simple questionnaire that will help you identify what really motivates your employees. Once you have had your employees complete the questionnaire, sit down and go over it with them. Clarify what it is they mean by the areas they prioritized as being most important.
Name: ______________________________________Title: _______________________________________
Please rank the following factors as they relate to your performing at your best in your position. Assign a number 1 to the most important, a number 2 to the next important, a number 3 to the next most important, until you have ranked all 16 of the job motivation factors.
___ Good wages
___ Financial bonuses
___ Time off with pay
___ Flexible work schedule
___ Job security
___ Promotion and growth
___ Good working conditions
___ Interesting work
___ Personal loyalty to employees
___ Tactful disciplining
___ Full appreciation and recognition for work done
___ Help with personal problems
___ Feeling “in” on things
___ Social interaction on the job, i.e. celebration of birthdays, company picnics etc.
___ Working for an ecologically friendly minded company
What are your thoughts on this topic? I want to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
Have questions about how I might be able to help your organization? Give me a call at 734-812-0526 or email me at