3 Proven Methods to Help Your Team Work Together and Grow Your Company Profits

It has been said that all organizations have some degree of dysfunction. When you stop to consider the jig saw puzzle of people that are brought together to work for the same company, it is easy to understand that last statement. Part of the challenge is, in every Green Industry company, there are different types of personalities and behavioral styles of the owners, managers and employees. When you toss into the mix the personal problems we are all faced with, and the daily business problems we are confronted with, it only makes things more complicated.arrows pixabay

Despite the different types of personalities, behavioral styles, personal and business problems people have, there are some basic day to day strategies you can encourage and develop within your team of managers and employees. These simple strategies can go a long way in building a healthy organizational culture, and grow a successful and profitable company.

First, set an example by giving respect to others in your company. By being an example, you create a powerful walking, talking illustration of how you want your people to treat each other. Using your position power of president, owner or manager to pressure your employees to perform at a certain level does nothing to build the kind of work environment people will thrive in. Instead, giving respect to the other people in your organization can be one of the most important things you do to make it part of your company culture.

Earl Nightingale once said, “treat each person you talk to as the most important person on earth.”  If you do that, you will most likely bring out the very best in each person with which you communicate. Before you scoff at that last suggestion, consider this thought. Respect begets respect. You can’t help but earn it, by giving it. By treating others that work for and with you, as the important individuals they really are, you will build the trust and rapport that is part of the foundation of every successful business or non-profit organization.

Next, praise the people in your company on a regular basis. It has been said that some individuals can cheer up a whole room – by leaving it! This is the kind of person who brings others down by condescending remarks or curt behavior. We all know this type of person, because over our career, we have either worked with or for, someone just like this.

As I have always said, “Praise Pays”. If you want your team to grow and thrive, try sincerely praising them. Find the things that they have done right and bring it to their attention on a regular basis. Survey after survey shows, one of the top reasons employees leave a company is not because of their salary, but because of lack of appreciation. In one recent national survey, it revealed that the 60% of participants reported that they had never received any positive reinforcement on the job. The funny thing about appreciation is that it costs nothing to give, yet pays such big dividends.

Let me share with you a two part formula for paying compliments to your employees, managers and colleagues. But, before I do, let me share some things with you to keep in mind when paying compliments to your employees, managers and colleagues.

First, for many people they haven’t learned how to properly give a compliment, so that is why they don’t give them. Second, they might have tried once or twice to praise others, but didn’t realize that most people don’t know how to receive a compliment, so, it became an awkward experience for both people involved.

Here is the two part formula that I teach to my Green Industry clients on how to find strengths in their employees, managers and colleagues. The first part is to identify specifically what you can compliment about the person. Here are three basic categories you can choose from:


TThings they own, drive, wear

AAchievements-degrees, promotions, honors,

PPersonal – Qualities – traits, character, talents


The next part of the formula is to deliver the compliment using these three steps.

S – Sincere – This is a critical part of this formula. You must be sincere when giving the compliment, otherwise it will come across as phony and it will create more harm than good.

E – EvidenceBe specific. Give real evidence to the person for what you are saying. It is hard to deny a compliment when the person giving it, backs it up with undeniable evidence.

S – Short – Keep the compliment short and it will make it easier for you to give it and easier for the person to accept it. If you go on and on, it can make the person receiving it very uncomfortable. When this happens, it can create a less than desirable experience for both the person giving the compliment and the one receiving it. When this happens it reduces the chance that you will give out additional compliments to others.

Finally, one of the best ways to get your team to work together and grow your profits is to never criticize your employees or managers in front of others. We all make mistakes and no one is going to get it right every time. When someone in our company does err, pull them aside and point out the mistake that has been made and ask them what they can do next time to avoid making the same mistake.

G. Buck Rogers of IBM fame, tells the story of one of his directors at IBM who committed a terrible marketing blunder that cost the company over one million dollars. The director walked into Rogers’ office and tried to turn in his resignation. Rogers explained to the director that they were not about to let him go, since through this experience, IBM had just spent over one million dollars to educate him. The director never committed the same error again and went on to do great things for IBM.

The power of correcting your employees privately, and helping them learn from their mistakes, can be one of the best ways to develop the confidence and productivity of your team.

So, when it comes to your team, no matter how many challenges they present to your company, try using these three simple strategies. It will go a long way in helping them work together and build a more successful and profitable organization.

Tom Borg is thought leader who works at the intersection of leadership, communication and culture. To ask him a question or to hire Tom, please contact him at:  (734) 404-5909 or email him at: tom@tomborg.com or visit his website at: www.tomborgconsulting.com


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Tom Borg

My name is Tom Borg. I am a business expert who works with small and mid-size companies to effectively and profitably improve customer acquisition and retention. I help these businesses through his use of my consulting, speaking, training and coaching. To ask me a question or to hire me, please contact me at: (734) 404-5909 or email me at: tom@tomborg.com or visit my website at: www.tomborgconsulting.com

Tom Borg