How to Create an Effective Employee Development Strategy
In this 28 minute podcast Entrepreneur TV host Tara Kachaturoff interviews Tom Borg on how to develop an effective employee development strategy.
How to Create an Employee Development Strategy
In this podcast you will learn:
- What is an employee development strategy?
- Why both with one?
- How do you put one together?
- How you can create an annual customized development strategy form for each member of your team.
How to Use a DISC Team Assessment in Your Company or Organization
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Employee Surveys Best Practices
My name is Tom Borg. I am a business expert who works with small and mid-size companies to effectively and profitably improve customer acquisition and retention. I help these businesses through his use of my consulting, speaking, training and coaching. To ask me a question or to hire me, please contact me at: (734) 404-5909 or email me at: or visit my website at: