Do you know people that just love to talk about everything that is wrong with the world? It seems they are almost in every business or organization. It appears that these pessimists find delight in the human foibles that abound. They seem to get a feeling of superiority knowing that the world is full of problems, and they love to talk about them. These unfortunate souls seem to be happiest when they are unhappy. Although this may sound odd, it is all too true.
These rascals can quote the latest news headlines that paint a picture of certain disaster for the economy, the planet and your neighborhood. If you listen to them long enough they will give you the extended three day weather forecast, fraught with inclement weather warnings. And don’t forget about the local sports team. It doesn’t matter that they won last night, the next team they will face will surely defeat them.
Before you know it, this type of person will sap any optimism right out of the air and leave you gasping for mental oxygen. It doesn’t matter that you can give examples that disprove what they are saying. They just consider it false propaganda. If you are not careful, they will make you a dues paying, card carrying member of their “Chicken Little Club”. They bring new meaning to the saying, “misery loves company”, and this is the kind of company you can do without.
When you stop to think we all have only so much time to live our lives. Do you really want to spend your precious hours and minutes with people who make your life less than it could possibly be?
Chances are you will never be able to change this person’s way of thinking, but you can usually change the scenery. When they are in your presence, the best way to avoid this kind of negative person’s web of entrapment is to politely excuse yourself and head on your way. You will be glad you did.
What do you think? I would like to hear your comments.