20 Questions to Ask a Business Consultant before You Hire Him or Her

Thinking about hiring a business consultant? When you are interviewing various consultants ask them these questions first.  Add 5 points for each item you can answer yes to. A maximum score is 100 points.  checklist-154274__180 pixabay free

Hire the consultant that scores the highest.

The Questions to Ask        

  1. How many years of experience does he/she have?
  2. Does he/she do a thorough needs assessment?
  3. Does the consultant truly customize his or her approach?
  4. Does he/she have written testimonials from satisfied clients?
  5. Does he/she guarantee their work?
  6. Does he/she use behavioral assessment tools?
  7. Is the consultant accessible after hours and on weekends?
  8. Is the consultant easy to work with?
  9. How does this consultant’s fee compare to the market?
  10. Is he/she published in business magazines?
  11. Has the consultant authored any books?
  12. Is the consultant a member of professional associations?
  13. Which business book is he/she is presently reading?
  14. Does the consultant stay current on business trends?
  15. Does the consultant have a monthly newsletter?
  16. Does the consultant have a video series on YouTube?
  17. Is the consultant heard on any radio shows or podcast?
  18. Has the consultant conducted any webinars?
  19. Has the consultant worked across the US?
  20. Does the consultant stay current with research?


Do you have questions about developing your leadership team or training your employees? Give me a call  and let’s talk.  You can reach me on my cell phone at: 734-812-0526 or email me at: tom@tomborg.com.

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Tom Borg

My name is Tom Borg. I am a business expert who works with small and mid-size companies to effectively and profitably improve customer acquisition and retention. I help these businesses through his use of my consulting, speaking, training and coaching. To ask me a question or to hire me, please contact me at: (734) 404-5909 or email me at: tom@tomborg.com or visit my website at: www.tomborgconsulting.com

Tom Borg