How to Create a Positive Work Culture in Your Company


Can a more positive work environment create a healthier bottom line for your small business? The answer is a resounding yes. Some time ago the Harvard Business Review analyzed hundreds of studies showing an average of 37% higher sales and 31% higher productivity at companies where employees were glad to work.

It would make sense that a business or organization, where people wanted to come to work and enjoyed serving their customers, would make it a more profitable enterprise.

So, what can you do in your small business to create a positive work environment? Here are a few suggestions.

First, make it a priority. That’s right? Put it on your to do list and put together a strategy of how you will roll it out to your team. This might include holding a brainstorming session with your employees and managers where you ask for suggestions on what needs to happen to make it a reality.

Make a list of what needs to start happening and what needs to stop happening, to create a culture of happiness and productivity. Ask the question, how can management and employees be held accountable to do their fair share of contributing to this kind of desirable workplace?

Ask your employees for some of their perceived benefits of working at a company where they would look forward to coming to work each day. Ask questions like: How will this affect the way you approach your job? How will you feel as you leave home and head to work on Monday morning?

Next, walk the talk. One of the best ways to create the kind of environment you want your employees to support, is model the type.  This means you must focus on positive solutions when problems present themselves. Complaining and dwelling on problems seems to only exacerbate them.

I always tell my clients that when it comes to a negative workplace, if they keep on doing what they have always done, they will get more of it. In other words, if they perpetuate a workplace where there is a lot of finger pointing and complaining, then they will get more of the same.

Finally, don’t be afraid to terminate the chronic whining and complaining employees. It is true that some people are happiest being unhappy and they want company – lots of it. You can’t afford to keep this kind of employee on the payroll.

As it has been said, this is the kind of person who can predictably cheer up a whole room – by leaving it! Make it clear to your team that those employees and managers who are not willing to contribute to a positive work culture and who bring down the rest of the team, are not going to be part of your company in the future.

Email me for a short list of questions to assess the health of your company’s culture at

By Tom Borg © All rights reserved

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Tom Borg

My name is Tom Borg. I am a business expert who works with small and mid-size companies to effectively and profitably improve customer acquisition and retention. I help these businesses through his use of my consulting, speaking, training and coaching. To ask me a question or to hire me, please contact me at: (734) 404-5909 or email me at: or visit my website at:

Tom Borg