Do you want to keep a more positive attitude in the workplace? The words you use on a daily basis color your attitude. They help you keep a positive attitude in the workplace. If you are constantly using words that are negative, you can be sure you will have a more negative outlook on life. One of the best ways to change your attitude is to be careful with which words you use.
If you want to keep a positive attitude in the workplace keep a a positive attitude when you are outside of your workplace. When you are caught in a slowdown in traffic? What do you say? Don’t call it a “traffic jam”. A more positive way to refer to it would be to describe it as “a chance to slow down and do some thinking”.
Rather than calling a disagreement with another person a, “heated argument’, you can refer to it as a situation where you both saw things from a different perspective”.
When you make a mistake on a project and, “have to start over”, use self talk that describes it as “an opportunity to make it even better”.
Rather than complaining about the broken dishwasher, discuss the advantage of how it might be time for a new, more efficient one.
When you are running low on groceries, don’t complain about how much food costs. Simply say, “it would be fun to get out of the house and do some grocery shopping”.
The key here is to start positively reframing the situations you are experiencing. By looking at things from a different perspective, it gives you a more pleasant and optimistic outlook on life. It allows you to look up and see things that you might have missed if you had kept your head down and kept complaining.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people think they have it bad when all they have to do is look around and see how good they really have it. It reminds me of the poem I once heard that goes like this:
“I had the blues because I had no shoes,
Until on the street I met a man who had no feet.”
So in summary, to keep a positive business and personal life, speak words that create positive tones and images. You will be glad you did and so will your associates and friends.
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