Each day we have the opportunity to take smart risks. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. These smart risks could take the form of taking a moment from your busy day to sincerely compliment another colleague or family member. Maybe it could be the risk of going out of your way to help someone who needs assistance with a task, or maybe it is just taking the time to really listen to another person without judging them. Finally, it could be just trusting yourself to be the person you were meant to be.
Here is a poem I once read that re-enforces this concept of taking a risk. I updated it for the 21st century. Let me know what you think.
A Very Cautious Man
He was a very cautious man who never romped or played.
He never sang, he never danced, or even drank a Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
And when he up and passed a way,
insurance was denied.
Because he never really lived,
they claimed – he never died.
– Anonymous